Thursday, 29 June 2017

What is Feather Touch Tattooing?      

This amazing eyebrow treatment nicknamed "Feather Touch" is for people who have over plucked, loss of hair/patchy areas that won’t grow back and ideally have the wrong brow shape. Feather Touch Tattooing is putting the finest hairs back into eyebrows with pigment to provide definition and most importantly symmetry. This method is the most natural looking cosmetic tattooing enhancement. 

How long does it last? 

The pigment is at its brightest for 9 to 12 months, lasting up to 24 months on the fairest skin. It will eventually fade away if you do not maintain touch ups. Semi-Permanent make up is an Art not a science. Client results will vary.   Generally the results are amazing but it very much depends on your own skin type, texture and oiliness, your health and after care. (Please read this entire page)

How long does the procedure take?

I allow 2 hours for the procedure.  The consultation is actually part of your appointment but if you have a lot of questions after reading this, lets communicate before your appointment. After filling out paperwork, I numb you, then we consult and draw your perfect shape, even before the procedure begins. I allow 1.5 hours for Perfecting Sessions and touch ups. I am a perfectionist at my Art. You will appreciate the caring time I take for your appointment to make you feel comfortable during the procedure. 

Does it hurt?

Everyone's tolerance is different. I use the same numbing cream a doctor would use when administering Fillers or Botox!  It is actually not that bad. Some people describe it as a scratching sensation.  For women, you will be more sensitive if you are hormonal. Plan your appointments accordingly. I cannot perform this on sunburns.

How long does healing take?

Allow 5-10 days for the skin to completely heal. Colour intensity will be darker the next few days after the procedure. Then in about 3-5 days it is followed by some mild flaking. After this time, the color will subside and start to take a "softer" appearance as the skin heals.  I was in love with mine from the first day and through every phase.  The changes in the first week did not affect my week at all. Everyone is different.  

Will I need a touch up?

Yes all clients will require a touch up, this is all inclusive of your price provided you must book 4-6 weeks after your treatment. 
If you want thicker brows after the healing process, I can do this in your perfection touch up. Knowing everyone’s skin is different, so it greatly depends on that and your healing process. No guarantee can be made that a specific client will benefit the same as another from this procedure. This is the process of inserting pigment into the basal layer of the epidermis. It is a form of tattooing, cosmetic, though it is semi-permanent. Generally, the results are excellent but it very much depends on your skin texture, oiliness and your health. Your new eyebrows will go through several phases during the healing cycle. The pigment will appear very sharp and dark immediately after the procedure. This is because the pigment is still sitting on top of your skin, and has not yet settled in completely. The color of the pigment will soften gradually. Do not be alarmed if you see some pigment on the cotton swab, as this is excess pigment and/or body fluid that is naturally exiting your skin. Once the healing of the skin starts taking place, it will look like dandruff flakes or dry skin. This might give you the impression that the color pigment is fading too quickly, however, this is just superficial color and dry skin being naturally removed from your eyebrows resulting in "soft natural looking" hair strokes.

How do you choose a color?

I have a huge variety of Colors and use amazing pigment. After you have filled out all of your paperwork, and numb, we choose the color that is perfect for you.  The best match is to match your original eyebrow hair. 

**Preparation Before your treatment   (MUST READ)
If you are naturally a heavy bleeder this is not for you. The pigment will not retain evenly due to the blood will pushing the pigment out.
Heavy or Daily Alcohol consumption will have the same affect.  Please plan around your hormonal weeks too ladies. 

Please do schedule your Brow coloring, waxing, threading or tweezing one week prior to procedure. You will not be able to do this for 1 month after. Cover those greys :)  You can schedule this with me.  This will also give you time to consult before your appointment instead of the day of. 

Injectables: For BEST results I highly recommend that you plan any injectables : Botox/ Dysport,  two or more weeks after your MB sessions.  *If you have injectable fillers or Botox in your face, please be aware that I cannot be held responsible for brow symmetry due to injectable settling.    If you have recently received injectables, and are very pleased with the placement, you may schedule no sooner than 2 weeks after. While I have never had a bad experience with a clients injectables causing brows to become uneven, I can in no way guarantee it won't happen.  Please inform me when making your MB appointment, we can discuss the pro's and con's more if desired. 

"These products can make you bleed excessively, making it difficult for the pigment to implant"
-No working out or sweating  day of or 10 days following.
-Alcohol 24 hrs before procedure. More days the better!  Heavy/ daily drinkers are not a good candidate.  Talk to me about this please.  
-Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen 72 hours prior to your session.
-Discontinue Retin-A skin  care products close to the enhancement area two weeks "prior and after" your procedure.
-Discontinue use of AHA skin care products close to the enhancement area one week prior to your procedure. Avoid the area after. Just use gentle cleansers.
-No laser in that area 2 weeks prior to procedure. IPL laser will remove the dye after the procedure and the area should be avoid with all care after for the life of the brow
-All peels should be avoided in and around the area for the life of the brow to avoid advanced fading.
-No sunburns .  NO Spray tans 10 days before or  a month later on the face.  Or Peeling, or break outs in the brows.

***Who is NOT ideal for this procedure?  (MUST READ)

-Someone with very large pores on their forehead. 
-Someone who will form a Keloid. (a raised scar) Any part of body
-Someone with severely oily skin. (Pigment will look more solid than like hair strokes and may not last as long)*            
-Diabetes type 1 or 2 (Prone to slow healing and infection) 
-Chemotherapy (consult your doctor first, medication may cause pigment to not retain properly)*
-Viral infections
-Auto immune diseases (due to healing and medication, consult with your doctor, contact me to discuss before booking)*
-Chronic Epilepsy or Parkinsons 
-No Blood thinners, or heavy bleeders.
-Pacemaker or major heart problems  *Must have Cardioligist clearance if not on blood thinners
-Organ transplant
-Skin irritations or Psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne)
-Sick (cold, flu, etc.) PLEASE Reschedule
-Someone who has Thyroid (Medication may cause pigment to not retain properly) * It most likely requires more touch ups)
-If you are pregnant or nursing (due to the numbing ointment)
-Accutane in the past year.

 * You may receive the service with the clear understanding that pigment may not retain properly and you may need more touch ups then others. 

How do you care for your brows after?

Once completely healed, I advise applying  a layer of sunscreen SPF 30 up to SPF 50 on your eyebrows when exposed to the sun  "always". Sun exposure will cause the color pigment to fade away more quickly.  Generally the results are "Amazing" but it very much depends on your own health, skin type, texture and oiliness. The pigment is semi-permanent and will naturally fade over time.  It is more affordable if you maintain them with in the first 12 months.  The choice is yours.  I would highly recommend making an appointment ahead of time due to scheduling availability. *Aftercare instructions will be discussed & given to you at your appointment to take home and follow strictly.  

Please feel free to email  with pictures or questions and I will contact you when I am not in a treatment.

Kristie Baird

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